Freelance developer and teacher
Sep 2019 - Today
Grenoble, France
Conception, development and documentation of skuldenka, as well as communication around the
project, with a dev vlog and more. Writing courses, lecturing and supporting students, either in group or individualy.
Engineer Apprentice
Sep 2016 - Aug 2019
Atos, Echirolles, France
Apprenticeship at Atos during my engineering school studies. Worked part of the time at Atos
and studied the other part, switching each 6 weeks. First worked two years on a deep learning
framework using
FPGAs, and finally last 6 months, for my end of studies project, worked on Yorc, an open source
meta orchestrator, on which my mission was
to conceive and discuss a distributed architecture for the next major version.
Exchange Semester at NTNU
Aug 2018 - Jan 2019
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Last "course" semester of my engineering degree spent at NTNU Trondheim, with only
practice-based courses:
TDT4290 - Customer Driven Project, during which I worked on Alpaca Sampler, a simplified
interface for Ableton Live music software, with a team of 7 students.
TPD4142 - Design Thinking, with various non-IT practice subjects.
TDAT3023 - 3D Computer Graphics with project, where I was offered an open subject and chose to
work on Noodle Engine, a personal project I had at this time.
Engineering Degree, Apprenticeship
Sep 2016 - Aug 2019
ENSIMAG, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France
Three years diploma corresponding to a M2 level at ENSIMAG engineering school. Courses include
algorithmics, mathematics, software architecture, operating systems and more. I took this cursus
as an apprentice at
Atos compagny, at which I worked while studying.
C/C++ developper, Internship
Apr 2016 - Jul 2016
3SR Laboratory, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France
Three month internship at 3SR laboratory at Grenoble to conclude my DUT studies. My mission
was to port an Open Source 3D sphere image generation tool, Kalisphera, written in Python,
to C to increase its speed. In the run, I created a tiny C++ 3D image manipulation
library to allow scientists not familiar with C/C++ to benefit from C++'s speed and
linked it with Python using Cython.
University Technical IT Degree
Sep 2014 - Jul 2016
IUT 3, Grenoble, France
A two year diploma, corresponding to L2 level (french : Diplôme Universitaire de
Technologie - DUT) at IUT2 Grenoble.
Courses are covering a wide scope of IT knowledge as
all-purposes programming languages, web technologies, networking,
Object Oriented software architecture, and computer architecture,
as well as more generalistic fields, as mathematics, economy,
project management and communication.